
UFO enthusiasts – or UFOlogists, as some like to call themselves – frequently subscribe to myriad theories involving vast government cover-ups to bury credible evidence of alien visitation. Upon even the most cursory of examinations the implausibilty of these theories becomes immediately apparent.

But the careful researcher will note the traces of otherness in such fantasies, the telltale signs of deliberate construction and intelligent manipulation by another species more evolved – or perhaps just shrewder – than our own. But on still closer inspection, this same researcher might reconsider, as the “telltale signs of manipulation” themselves show signs of terrestrial fabrication, misleading cues calculated to throw us off the scent, as it were. Clearly, we are dealing here with a cleverly crafted myth – but to what purpose? What of the myth’’s origins? It seems at first to unmistakably derive from a 1949 Arbor Day meeting of top industrialists and government officials in tiny Milpitas, CA. But then other evidence points back to what appears to be a hastily organized clandestine gathering of scientists, Russian “Whites”, various clergy and other parties unknown shortly after the Tunguska event of 1908. This may in turn be contradicted by much earlier writings dating back to pre-Renaissance Italy, and yet again by other artifacts believed to be contemporaneous with the emergence of human language itself.

The contradictions are dizzying, and it will soon become apparent to the intuitive researcher that our mythical narrative cannot be studied in terms of its particulars, for those particulars are ever-changing – this is to be expected and is inherent in the design of the narrative. So the intuitive researcher will give up, move on to greener pastures and thus avoid forever wandering a long, empty hall of mirrors whose beginning and end are unknown and forever unknowable.

So that is my advice to you: give up. Move on to greener pastures. Because the foolish researcher will see that this thing can only be understood in its entirety from outside the safe confines of human culture. He will cast off the chains of immanence once he discovers how, and cut himself adrift in a vast, dark and ancient ocean of loneliness. And in doing so, surely die.

–A.V. Kurchanyov, Lectures